Tuesday Night (not-so) Chillout #23: Core and Breath Integration
Length: 60 mins
Teacher: Lous Jackson
Don’t eat for two hours before this particular Chillout AND be ready because it’s not so “chill”. Louis was fulfilling a request for a more robust evening core and breath integration session.
Warm up with a sacral scrub (toted VERTICAL balls), “putting your butt back on your butt” glutes massage, and half happy baby mini-vyni.
Strengthening begins with urdhva prasartia padasana (leg raises) with courageous between the feet, bridge lifts to diaphragm vacuum, dynamic revolved abdominal pose. Coresetting continues with intercostal crunches and static oblique crunches. Stretchy side-bending boomerangs present plenty of opportunities to work the asymmetry of the diaphragm and affected viscera. Conclude this segment with face-down twisting triangle.
Warm down with supported bridge pose, diaphragm vacuums in traction with dead volume resets, windshield wiping the knees, and an abdominal roll-out focussed on the large intestine with pitstops at the spleen and liver while emphasizing back breathing aimed at the kidneys.
End with self guided bone breathing in starfish corpse. Stay for as long as YOU want (not when Louis signs off).
* Disclaimer below
* As is the case with any physical activity, the risk of injury is always present and can never be eliminated. If you experience pain or discomfort, listen to your body and stop practicing the sequence immediately. These recordings are offered to our community to use at each individuals’ discretion. Please use your own judgement (and/or consult your own physician) about whether the Yoga techniques demonstrated on these recordings are appropriate for you given your physical condition. If you watch or listen to the recordings on this site, you do so at your own risk. See our website terms and conditions.