
The mission of Healing Cultures is to sustain and preserve the distinct and rare practice of Ninniku Okyū as a healing art form and establish the practice of Intuitive Healing. This is accomplished through the practicing and teaching of Ninniku Okyū as well as offering retreats, workshops, classes, and community spaces that help people sustain their own health and well-being.


Healing Cultures is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization and we are grateful to the many community members who support our work.

We work to create a Culture of Healing through all our offerings.


Healing for us is a journey that links the body and the mind, which takes us back to memories and cultural roots as they pertain to a physical condition or challenge, that then provides an opportunity for renewing oneself sustainably. The journey enables one to reflect and foresee both the potential for sickness and healing, as much as it challenges one to become present in the moment.

The idea of Healing Cultures brings together two essential orientations. One refers to an individual’s capacity to create their own personal healing culture, that we enable, which deepens their capacity to heal and sustain a sense well-being. The other refers to the distinct cross-cultural system of healing that we offer. Our primary orientation is to work with, understand and uphold an authenticity and integrity in working with healing across cultures.


The cross-cultural element refers to several aspects of our offerings which fundamentally brings together distinct healing, devotional and artistic traditions of Japan and India. We also pay our deep respect to the spirit of the land we inhabit. To do this, we collaborate with distinct Native American medicine men and women to uphold their traditional systems of healing.

Creating the space and means for collaborating across cultures of healing is very important for us. While upholding a depth and integrity that never compromises or impulsively merges different systems of knowing and healing, we engage in the practice of collaborating across cultural lines. Just as there are the boundaries of a body and mind and spirit that enable us to balance our well-being, there is the integrity of cultural wisdom in distinct healing art forms that need to be preserved and bridged and expanded so as to address the contemporary challenges of our times.