Support Our Work


Any and all contributions to support our work are greatly appreciated. Donations to support the work are a powerful way to express gratitude for what you have received and to “pay it forward” to others. They are also a beautiful way to honor someone special to you by making a donation in their name.

Treatment Assistance Fund
The Treatment Assistance Fund was established by a client who wanted to ensure that financial considerations would never stop someone from coming who seriously wanted to engage with the depth of healing work. This fund allows us to provide the work to people of all backgrounds and at all stages of their lives. Contributions to this fund are a powerful way to offer healing to the world – as you help one person heal, the change reverberates through their family, their lineage and their broader community.

Healing Training Program Fund
One of Healing Cultures' main objectives is to pass on the depth of knowledge in healing that Mukund received from his teacher, Ōmuro Toyo Sama, as well as his own work, to a new generation of healers. We feel this knowledge and the practices which support it are very precious and want them to survive in the world. Teaching these things at the depth which we feel is necessary, however, is a long and quite expensive endeavor, requiring a high level of dedication from both teacher and student as well as travel to places holding energy critical to the work. In order to offer this training to people who have an aptitude for the work, but may need financial support to complete the training, we have established the Healing Training Program Fund through the generous support of a donor. Supporting this fund is a way of making an offering to future generations.

Wellness Center Fund
Healing Cultures has always had a vision of creating a community space where we would offer treatments, yoga and meditation classes, retreats, and a place to gather over light vegan fare and tea. We are excited to announce that we have acquired a beautiful property we are working on developing into our wellness center! It is surrounded by a forest and stream, with animals and birds, inspires reflection and supports the foundation of a healing journey. We envision creating small altars along paths in the forest that resound the experience of a pilgrimage in Japan and India, while paying homage to the Native American cultures that originally inhabited this sacred land.  Supporting the Wellness Center Fund will help make possible the design and  construction of the Center, as well as care for the surrounding land, where we one day hope to serve the community with a deep sense of integrity and joy.

Retreats and Offerings Assistance Fund

Healing Cultures offers a variety of events throughout the year that are intended to build community, and serve as a foundation for each person’s healing journey. Day-long retreats and remote multi-day retreats have had a deep impact on the lives of our community members as they offer a dedicated time and space to let go of other obligations, rebuild energy, and gain a new perspective on our lives. Group retreats are also a powerful way to experience healing as a community, and foster a deep sense of belonging. Healing Culture’s other offerings - meditations, yoga classes, workshops and other satsang events - allow students and community members to deepen their practices and explore new ways of building healing into their daily lives. The Retreats and Offerings Assistance Fund was established to make these events accessible to anyone who feels drawn to engaging with the practices offered by Healing Cultures, but may need financial assistance to do so. Contributing to this fund is a gift to the participants who will be able to partake in these various experiences, and to our community as a whole. 

General Support
An unrestricted gift to Healing Cultures will allow the board to direct your support where it is most needed in the organization. It will be used as needed to help us in our work to build an international healing community, offer treatments to those in need and train a new generation of healers.

You can specify FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE FUND, HEALING TRAINING PROGRAM FUND, WELLNESS CENTER FUND, RETREATS AND OFFERINGS ASSISTANCE FUND or GENERAL SUPPORT when you make your gift. If you wish to make a donation in someone else’s name, please add a comment in the notes field.

Healing Cultures is a 501c3 organization and all gifts are fully tax deductible.