After Your Treatment

After your treatment you will be required to keep the heat in your body for a specific amount of time depending on the length of your treatment. The number of full days to keep the heat in means the number days AFTER the day of your treatment. For example, if you have a one day treatment on Wednesday, you would keep the heat in for that day and one additional day on Thursday and then take the bath on Friday.

Treatment length Full days to keep heat in, in addition to treatment day For example
1 day 1 day Treatment Wednesday, bath Friday
3 days 3 days Treatment Ends Wednesday, bath Sunday
1 week 1 week Treatment Ends Wednesday, bath following Thursday (one week later)
2 weeks 2 weeks Per instruction
3 weeks 3 weeks Per instruction

“Keeping the heat in your body” means:

  1. Staying away from water as much as possible. You can wipe yourself with a slightly damp, warm cloth as necessary, but no other contact with water. Have someone else do the dishes or eat out. No showering and no washing your hair.

  2. Keep your skin covered to avoid being cooled by the air. Wear long-sleeved shirts and pants. Wear socks and shoes. If it is winter, wear a fuzzy hat.

  3. Stay warm, but do not sweat. You may feel a bit like you have a fever – feeling hot and then cold quickly. Adjust by adding and subtracting layers quickly as needed.

  4. If you do sweat inadvertently during the day or at night when you are sleeping, change your clothes immediately, replacing anything damp with dry clothing. Keep an extra shirt and underwear with you at all times and near your bed at night.

  5. Avoid all exercise and any other body treatments. You will sweat much more easily in this time so it is best to avoid all exercise beyond slow walking for short periods of time. Practice mastering the art of resting.

Full instructions post-treatment:

  1. Keep the heat in your body as described above for the specified amount of time.

  2. Keep a journal by your bed and write down any dreams you can remember.

  3. Eat cooked vegetables and soups rather than raw veggies. Follow a vegetarian or vegan diet if possible.

  4. Rest!

  5. Avoid distracting activities like watching tv or even reading books. Sit and watch your emotions and allow yourself to be with all the emotions that come up.

  6. When you have waited the appropriate number of days, take a hot bath (not a shower!) This should be your first contact with water. Sit in the bath as long as possible and sweat as much as you can. If possible, get out of the water and crawl under a lot of blankets and sweat some more.

  7. If you have had a multi-day treatment, take hot baths and sweat for three or more days in a row.

  8. AFTER you have had your first bath and sweat, you can shower and wash your hair.

  9. Slowly begin returning to your normal activity level after the baths. Do not rush this. Take several days or longer.

Please write to Toni with any questions or concerns as you move through this period. Let us know how you are doing. This is a journey and please know we are supporting you and thinking of you through the entire process.
