How To: Dead Volume Reset

Length: 3 mins 35 secs

Teacher: Louis Jackson

Deeply exhaling is as important as deeply inhaling.  In fact, in order to fill up you must first empty out — literally and metaphorically.  The dead volume reset recruits the corset of expiration muscles (the cummerbun-like transverse abdominus, the rectus abdominus in front, the internal and external obliques crisscrossing the waist, and the internal intercostal muscles between the ribs) to wring out the breath along with habits and stories that no longer serve.  Dovetail this practice as a set up for the diaphragm vacuum which deeply suctions yourself into yourself, aiding an inward gaze at the core.

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 * As is the case with any physical activity, the risk of injury is always present and can never be eliminated. If you experience pain or discomfort, listen to your body and stop practicing the sequence immediately. These recordings are offered to our community to use at each individuals’ discretion. Please use your own judgement (and/or consult your own physician) about whether the Yoga techniques demonstrated on these recordings are appropriate for you given your physical condition. If you watch or listen to the recordings on this site, you do so at your own risk. See our website terms and conditions.